Broken Promises and Rising Rates

L. Sanders Submitted this review about 7 Star Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/23/2013 2:59:00 PM
I found 7 Star Auto Transport from leaving a request for quote on a third party auto transportation website. John R. the sales representative called me multiple times (among other companies) to explain how his company had the best rate based on my needs. I explained to John R. that I needed my car picked up from North Lauderdale, FL to Norfolk, VA and delivered by May 1st. He assured me that his company could definitely do the job and that my car would arrive on time especially since it is a "commonly" traveled route. I selected 7 Star Auto Transport to do the job not because they had the cheapest price, but based on the fact John R. was persistent in calling me (multiple times) to check to see if I had any questions about the quote and always assuring their company can get the job done.

I finally signed the contract and paid my deposit about one month before the scheduled pick up date of April 26th. John R. told me that closer to the pick up date that they would call me to notify me of the exact pick up time. April 23th I begin to worry because I have not heard anything from 7 Star Auto Transport so I decide to call them. After being transferred 5 times from the sales department to dispatch( even though when you first call you get a message saying you are calling George at dispatch) I got to a dispatcher only to be transferred again to John R. who told me he didn't have a driver assigned to my car but he was working on it and would call me tomorrow with an update.

April 24th no call.

April 25th I called 7 Star Auto Transport and got over to John R. (after 7 times being transferred) who told me he still don't have a driver yet but to not worry because he is sure he can find one by tomorrow.

April 26th - Halfway through the day and not one call from 7 Star Auto Transport, so I called them again. After the usual multiple transfers I spoke with John R who at this point could only apologize for not being able to find a drive on time but assured me that he will within the next 24 hours.

April 27th- -Still no driver assigned.

April 28th- - No driver assigned and I leave for Norfolk, Va in two days. April 29th- I make my usual call to 7 Star only to be told that the reason my car has not been assigned is because the price of the route has gone up and the price that I'm offering is too low to attract drivers but they will try to add $50 to my offer price.

April 30th- Moving day....I got an email from 7 Star Auto Transport notifying me that they have a driver assigned with a pickup date of May 2nd. This is not good for me since I needed my car in Norfolk, VA on the 1st of May, but at this point what can I do.

May 1st- (Exactly 24 hours later) I get an email stating the assigned driver's truck broke down and that the driver will know in 48 hours IF he can still pick up the car. I finally called to ask to cancel my contract, but John R. told me as stated in my contract they are allowed up to ten business days from the initial pick up date to get a driver assigned to me. I requested to speak to a manager and got Mike on the phone who apologize to me for John promising me a delivery date of May 1st but Standby service does not guarantee a delivery date, but if I paid more money ($200-$300) he is sure he could get me a driver assigned. I explained to Mike that John assured me multiple times that 7 Star could do the job even after I pointed out to John that I selected an Standby service and asked if I should upgrade to expedited and John's response was no since the route my car was taking is a commonly used route by truckers. I also explained to Mike that John should of pulled my pick up date back to around April 20th if he knew that the standby pickup date had a window of ten business days. Mike offered to take my cancellation request to corporate for them to be able to release me from the contract without losing my deposit. Mike told me he would call me with corporate response.

May 2nd- I get an email from George at Dispatch saying they are looking for a second driver and that if I cancel now I would not get my deposit. I called 7 Star to speak to an manager but got transferred around about ten times and then to a voice mail.

May 3rd - One week from the date my car....and waiting on a response from the manager.

May 4th- -Waiting on corporate reply. In the meantime I'm looking for another company to do the job, only to find out that no other company can work with me until 7 Star Auto Transport release me from my contract because it is only in the trucker dispatch system as belonging to 7 Star Auto Transport job.

May 5th- Still waiting a response from corporate. In the meantime just renewed a car rental agreement for another week because of the delay.

May 6th- - Finally received a called from Mike explaining that corporate will not release me from the contract until the tenth business day which is May 9th but I have to send a email requesting this cancellation.

May 8th- Sent in my email request to cancel for May 9th.

May 9th- Called 7 Star in the morning to confirm they received my request to cancel. A sales representative picked up and told me that department was not in as of yet but to call back later and they should be in the office. I called back that evening to get a person in dispatcher who told me the department I need has gone home already, but the will give them my message and they should contact me in the morning.

May 10th- Late afternoon still no response to the cancellation email. So I call my good ol buddies at 7 Star to inform them if I do not get a response confirming the cancellation by the end of the business day I will do a charge back on my card. Thirty minutes after hanging up I got an confirmation of the cancellation.

Never again will I do business with this company. I did check their rating because I went with them but Google only shows the good rating for them in the first couple of links. I believe this company pays someone to eraser their bad reviews and ratings because I can't be the only person who has experience should horrid customer service.

Company Response
Jack Saban from 7 Star Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/23/2013 3:24:00 PM
Nice Lady. FULL REFUND was given since vehicle was not moved. A CARRIER WAS FOUND and dispatched, but truck broke down and carrier cancelled load. A new carrier could not be schedule within the limits of our contract and customer decided to cancel order, therefore a full refund was given. Unfortunately, we do not control the trucks and the problems they encounter on the road. You had a driver as promised and they were forced to cancel pickup at last minute. Totally out of our control. We tried to find new carrier in the short time even offering a higher rate but customer preferred to cancel and we refunded the deposit.