demanded cash in spite of the terms of contract

SWF Submitted this review about A 2 B Moving Systems
Review made Live: 10/12/2009 2:50:00 PM

The car arrived safely with no damage. Good points there.

However, the man I talked to on the phone absolutely DEMANDED that I get him CASH. I noted that the contract clearly stated a cashier's check was acceptable and that I would much prefer the cashier's check for safety purposes. He said that I was being rude and that he didn't even want to talk to me anymore, he would just take my car to his storage facility and charge me a daily storage rate until I came with the cash. I gave in but I don't feel like 'extortion' is too strong a word for what happened.

Walking around with almost $1000 cash is not safe for anyone, single female or otherwise. The guidelines of the contract clearly state that a cashiers check is acceptable. The way this man talked to me on the phone, I wouldn't talk to a dog that had just pooped on the rug.

I don't know if these guys are trying to dodge the IRS or what, but I have never worked with someone who thought he could just demand cash regardless what the contract said. NEVER AGAIN would I work with these people.