Company Response
Lisa from
AA All Star Discount Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/9/2010 12:31:00 PM
This customer was dispatched on December 8th, the very next day and she refused the truck and driver. Debi Neuss double booked with another company and paid an upgraded platinum fee of $ 1500.00 to get her large SUV picked up on the Dec 7th. That is an additional $900 out of her pocket, rather than waiting one more day for our company. We spoke to the carrier that picked up her car and he would have picked it up for our rate the next day, if she had not double booked it and offered an additional $900 to the driver. Who would say no to an additional $ 900 ?? When a customer double books they are bidding against themselves and driving the price up. The only one that wins is the company that you doublebook with. A shipping date is a requested date, a shipping date is NEVER A GUARANTEE, we tell everyone this, it says it on our website and it states this in our shipping order that Nuess filled out herself and submitted!! Despite this, Debi Neuss, heard what she wanted to hear and although we spoke with her and explained this to her. When her car was not assigned on Dec 3th she booked it in with another company and doublebooked without telling us. The driver now had 2 different rates for the same car and took the one that was higher by $900. We spoke with her 4 times since the order was placed. Her large SUV was assigned for pick up on Dec. 8th and she refused the truck. If a customer is rigid and only has a one day pick up date, then an order must be set up that way and explained to us, so we can set it up as a expedited order. Debi Neuss never once said that Dec. 7th is the ONLY day she could get it picked up, when we contacted her she informed us that she had already had the car picked up by another company. In shipping flexibility is the key to getting the vehicle picked up. Especially when the vehicle is a large SUV, as this customer had. Communication is key, a customer must tell us exactly what there needs are so we can accommodate the request. In essence Debi Neuss, basically hung herself with her own neuss as it is obscene to pay and additional $900 to get her SUV picked up one day earlier. What we have learned from this experience is that when it positively, absolutely has to be picked up on a certain day, TELL US !! Just like in any relationship, communication is critical.