
Marilyn Ahakuelo Submitted this review about AAA Anytime Inc.
Review made Live: 11/15/2007 11:50:00 AM
I finally got around to writing this review. Now, having gone thru my own experience I believe what others have wrote. Thank You to "Arizona Auto Transport" who actually made my car get to Virginia. Much "Aloha" (Thank You in Hawaiian) to Sue of the office & Adrian the Truck Driver. It was then when I talked with Sue I found out when they got the order( October 4) that I figured out the discussion with Phil about not picking up the car and if Anytime Inc., has any type of communication with the driver, which he told me no, or the company who they broker it with. Long story short, I recorded on my appt book the conversation with Phil on Sept 17th and according to the girl who answered the phone said that he did not put it down. I guess because our conversation (he's very rude, when I asked to speak to Monica he said I just get who answers the phone)My order was placed with "Anytime Inc." and everything was fine placing the order. After that you have to figure out the clues to the mystery...when you run into a problem!

It was when the car did not get picked up then we noticed that there was I don't know and blah, blah, blah. The car did not get picked up on Sept 13/14, 2007 for what ever reasons, and they did not even know that the car did not get picked up until we called! That's when the gal said let me check. Ofcourse, when she came back on the line and sounded puzzled that's when we knew nothing was done or Mr. Phil decided to put the paperwork on the back burner after my conversation with him! Just think the paper work was dated Sept 07, 2007, the car did not get to Virginia till OCTOBER 15, 2007! Go figure........

After that unpleasant phone call I did call the Better Business Bureau and yes Anytime Inc. had complaints and it was also placed in 2007. Check with BBB first.

Company Response
Paul Everich from AAA Anytime Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/15/2007 12:43:00 PM
Dear Marilyn Ahakuelo, Our records show that Brian Ahakuelo, our customer, postponed this order on 9/13/07. He rescheduled for 10/2-3. Your statements are untrue. Please remove this review immediately!!! Sincerely, Customer service