Decided Not To...

Phil Submitted this review about Absolute Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 2/4/2008 9:42:00 AM
Very unprofessional. Does not use secure web page.

I originally placed my order with Absolute Auto Carrier after receiving quotes from them via a broker's web page. After placing my order, I was contacted via e-mail and told to enter my payment data. The web page then sent me to was not secure.

I contacted them, via telephone, to make payment for my order and it was quite the ordeal. Put "on hold" (telephone was put down on the desk/table while the person walked away). She came back to tell me she couldn't find the order.

I again repeated the information, again "on hold", she came back and said she found it. However, she was not able to take payment. At this point I told her to cancel the order completely: you can't find an order I just placed, you won't accept my payment via the telephone, I'm not going to trust you with my transport.

She said she would have to call me back and see if she could cancel. I hope they can, because I am not paying for this service--thank God I never gave them my credit card information; especially via their unsecure web site.

Company Response
Cliff Ullmann from Absolute Auto Carriers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/12/2008 7:27:00 PM
This company has been under new ownership/management since 9/08. Jimmy Phillips is no longer associated with Absolute Auto Carriers.