Great honest company

Mimi Submitted this review about Agape Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 9/18/2012 10:20:00 PM
They fulfilled all of my expectations , very prompt and very honest. My car was delivered with no hesitation whatsoever . I highly recommend agape trucking transporters. god bless you, and may he always show his agape on your company.



Company Response
Rebekah A from Agape Auto Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/19/2012 9:23:00 AM
Mimi, we greatly appreciate your review. We are always happy to hear from our customers and about there experiences. I noticed you clicked the compensated review button and I just wanted to note that Agape does not compensate any customers for posting reviews. We greatly appreciate your posted review and the time you took to post it. To request a fast, free quote call Agape Auto Transport at 866-990-7447 or email