Excellent service

Wayne Submitted this review about Agape Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 10/29/2008 6:52:00 AM
I met Richard, the driver, a few miles from my house. He was unloading cars
in preparation of placing my car on the carrier. We talked in length about
my concerns with regard to damage during transit, given that I have had cars
damaged in the past. He took the time to discuss all the possible incidents
that could happen. I found it quite interesting that, from his perspective,
most damage he sees comes from debris from construction sites.

We talked further about his itinerary and when I could pickup my car. After
picking up my car, he had 2 other cars to get. He would then head to Charlotte
for the weekend. From there, he would leave Sunday night to meet with me
early Monday morning. As promised, he was there waiting for me. Further,
the car had no damage.

Great service. Richard clearly took pride in his work.
