AAA Transport Incompetent, Unreliable, Thieves

Craig Submitted this review about All Across America Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/21/2008 11:08:00 AM
I gave a $150.00 deposit well in advance, Michelle assured me transportation would be completed. I gave them 16 days after original pick-up date to complete job. During this 16 days I had to initiate all communication with AAA Transport. Although Michelle promised to call back at the end of every conversation, she never once called back and never returned any messages. The job was never completed and when I requested a refund on my $150.00 deposit Kevin admitted they owed it to me but they had so many people asking for refunds that they were doing the loudest complainers first! Now when I try to call their number is disconnected. It appears they are taking the money and running. If you call for tranportation service in the future and reach a Michelle Desrosiers or Kevin Moody, be wary. I am going after them through my credit card company, but if they closed the business....FYI on my deposit credit card transaction the parent company is KAT Transport 119 Karola Dr, Sebring FL 33870-1079.

Company Response
Michelle from All Across America Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/23/2008 11:30:00 AM
Chris you are so much a lier. we did our job we had went beyond for you we have had 3 trucks attempt to p/u your unit. thunderstuck was one who went out and your jeep was fully loaded with household stuff which we told you no in the beginning he offwered to wait until you unloaded it to take it. he couldn't even get in the front seat. supreme went and you still had the truck loaded need i go on? you are not getting your deposit back. we did our job and sorry but 3 trucks i should have stopped at the first. as for the disconnected phones we are flooded we have no phone lines at the moment they are working on it. you can call the cc company and try to do a charge back but i have proof we did our job.