Broker Theresa Hausch and Lies

Lori Submitted this review about All Auto
Review made Live: 12/30/2010 10:45:00 AM
When receiving quotes, I was about to book my car with another agent when Theresa Hausch, who claimed to be the 'sales department' for All Auto Shipping called in and I answered the phone. She had a whole speech ready and I took it hook line and sinker. She said immediately regarding my potential booking, "Make sure they are not going to post your car on the internet for the highest bidder...most people are brokers...wait, let me see if the guy you just spoke to is a broker...yep, here he is... he's just a broker...most of them tell you that they work for the company but they are brokers and post your cars to be dispatched. Then what they do is dispatch it, then call you back and say they need more money and your car sits there..." Her midwestern accent and 'concerned' attitude really fooled me.

Because that is EXACTLY WHAT SHE DID WITH MY CAR. After she said I would be charged $100 deposit and the rest paid C.O.D., I gave her the business. She then called me back the next day and said that they were now taking $145 out up front....when I asked her why she changed her personality and got very nasty and said "These things are not written in stone..." Then I called to find out the status the next day and she was nasty again when I asked questions like "You work for this company as an employee?" She said yes she was but got angry saying things like, "I booked your car, it is on its way, what more do you need to know!" and refusing to give me the name or number of her 'employer'. She then hung up on me. I then called the dispatcher and the dispatcher transferred me to the 'owner', Kirk Housewright's voicemail - who knows if he really was or not. I left a message - he never called back.

I hope this review makes it onto this site, because apparently they allow reviews to be paid for by the transport companies! Upon completing this, I am asked if I was paid to write this by the company.

Luckily, the company that picked up my car was run by a very reliable and nice man - his company was MCW Transport Inc. out of Florida. He picked up my car in CA, got it to CT promptly and had no problems with my inquiries. Upon picking it up, I gave him the $750 cash as Theresa Hausch had quoted that I owed and he said she had told him $800 - when I told him about her, he said he did not trust her either and that she was a broker and had posted it on the internet.

If I were to ship a car again, I would use MCW Transport directly, but want everyone to know that All Auto Shipping - if that is even their name - are not to be trusted one bit.