Horrible experience

Tino Submitted this review about All Coast Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/20/2024 10:28:00 AM
Started process of having my daughters car shipped down to Florida for college a month earlier. Right from the start Kevin was focused on explaining how he is the most trustworthy one in the business and that I should be careful when dealing with his competition. Should have been my first clue. Proceeded over the next month in trying to finalize a driver and was told repeatedly that we had to wait until it got closer. Did not make sense to me but I did not question it. That was clue number 2. One week out from delivery Kevin calls and tells me he has a driver ready to pick up my car at my home on the day it was supposed to be getting to Florida . I told him that would not work since I was only scheduled to be in Florida for a few days and would be gone when the car got there. At that point he said he would keep working on it. The night before the scheduled pickup he calls and says he is still working on it but that I should expect the car to be picked up the next day. 11am the next day he calls and says that he has been working on it since 830 am and would call me sometime during the day. At this point my wife and daughter are getting in the car and driving it ourselves. Besides the inconvenience of losing days of work and losing out on non refundable flights for my daughter and wife, this has been a horrible start to dropping my first kid off at school. Thanks Kevin. I normally do not write negative reviews but felt compelled to write today because this has been such a huge inconvenience and if writing this keeps one other family from going through this then it is all worth it. STAY AWAY

Company Response
Helen Stabile President from All Coast Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/22/2024 4:50:00 PM
As the owner of All Coast Auto Transport, I feel it’s important to address a recent review that misrepresents our services. Kevin Gauthier, who has been with us since 2011, has always demonstrated exceptional work ethic, as reflected in numerous positive reviews. From the outset of this order, Kevin clearly communicated our policies and procedures to the client. We strive to be transparent and honest in all our dealings. Our standard practice is to assign carriers within a 7-10 day window because most drivers are not aware of their routes until then. This was communicated to the client from the beginning. It’s important to note that Kevin worked on behalf of this client without a deposit on file and adhered to Federal Motor Carrier rules regarding personal items in the vehicle. Our company has always followed these regulations since its inception in 2011, maintaining a high standard of service as reflected in our five-star reviews. We made every effort to accommodate the client’s request to transport 200 lbs of personal items, which was outside our usual policy. Despite this flexibility, the client was not satisfied. We dispatched the vehicle twice at a very reasonable cost, always striving to meet the agreed-upon 48-hour pickup and delivery window. However, logistical challenges and the client’s continual dissatisfaction made it difficult to fulfill their expectations. Our team, including Kevin, invested countless hours trying to resolve this issue, often without compensation. We maintain detailed records of all communications with clients, ensuring transparency and accountability. At All Coast Auto Transport, our goal is to provide the best possible service, and we take pride in our dedication to our customers. We regret that we were unable to meet this client’s expectations, despite our best efforts. It’s disheartening to see a review advising others to stay away from our company, especially considering the extensive efforts we made to meet the client's expectations, which we found to be unrealistic. We invested countless hours securing a licensed and insured carrier, sending emails, and negotiating against our own policies to accommodate 200 lbs of personal items in the vehicle. Despite these efforts, we were unable to meet the client’s expectations, even though we arranged dispatches twice. It’s challenging to understand what more we could have done to satisfy the client, given the considerable work and flexibility we provided.