As with anything it takes patience, when I first placed my order it took two day before I got anything more than a confirmation email. I called Amerifreight and and spoke to Jonathan who was very helpful with my order. He apologized for the slow response time and sent me all the necessary forms needed to continue my order. Once my paperwork was turned in Jonathan $550.00 the next time I requested the quote went up to $580.00 I called and got it brought down to 550 again but when I got an offer from a carrier they wanted more money. Even still the price was way better than what everyone else was asking. All in all I'm happy with my service. General Auto Transport was the company that brought my vehicle from A to B. The driver was very helpful and curious despite not knowing where he was and only having a map. Perhaps a GPS would have been more helpful but whatever. Also I had to find a suitable place for him to drop my car off seeing as how he called and said he had a big truck and wouldn't be able to make it down residential areas. All in all despite the set back of finding a place other than home to drop off the car it was a good shipment and the driver did a very excellent job.
Words of advice.: Be prepared to have a way to print, fill out, and either scan and email, fax, or mail the forms back.
When you're order is placed keep in mind your vehicle is going to be arriving on a semi truck. Have a place with a lot of room picked out and make sure it's easy to find, preferably somewhere easily visible from the main road.
Shipment Details
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On Time
Destination State:
North Carolina
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