Cindy Submitted this review about American Auto Relocation Pros.
Review made Live: 4/1/2008 2:17:00 AM
After reading the reviews of others, I DON'T feel bad about posting this!
As the others, I see a trend here. They Dianne is nice up front but boy once they have you that's when the trouble starts. I called on the 4th or 5th of March and signed the contract with them on the 6th of March to have my car picked up. My Mom had the car and was the pick up point. They said she was to get a 24 hour notice. I called on the 10th just to make sure everything was on time so my mom would not be sitting there waiting for nothing. They said YES the driver would be there and would be calling her, my Mom any time to verify everything. NO PHONE CALL, Well the 11th came and still no call. I called to find out what was going on. They, Dianne, said that they would be there, he was just having some trouble. So we waited. Well the 11th came and went. I called again and asked what was going on. I got the same thing. He'll be there he's having some trouble, he'll call her. That NEVER HAPPENED! I called AARP later that night and asked Dianne right out CALL ME BY THE END OF THE DAY! EVEN If you don't know anything new but just to keep us informed. She, Dianne said no problem, NEVER HAPPENED. I finally got a hold of someone and they told me they would have a trucker there on the 12th, I said OK, Called my Mom and told her. She had a VERY IMPORTANT DR'S Appointment that day, but she canceled it to say home to wait for the trucker. NEVER SHOWED. I called AARP I don't know how many times Till I got some one. The said it would be picked up on Thur. the 13th Mom once again had to cancel her plans to stay home and wait. I called they said the trucker would be there he was still having trouble with a car. I once again told Dianne to call me by the end of the day and let me know what was going on, even if nothing had changed she said not a problem. Well as you can guess NO ONE CALLED. It's Friday the 14th and I don't know how many calls I put in in the 4 days but it was A LOT. On Friday I called ad finally after numerous calls got some one to pick up
. I asked what was going on and told them that this was getting ridiculous. They said that the trucker was still having trouble. I then told them that I wanted them to find a new driver, they agreed (But of course, they said everything you wanted to hear, but with NO results) Finally at the end of the day on Friday they said ( I calling them ALL DAY) They had a new trucker and he would call Mom on Sunday and would be there on Monday the 17th. Well. . . as you guessed, no one called Mom or me.
I spent the day on the phone once again just trying to get a straight answer out of them. They told me this, the 2nd trucker, decided to go on vacation with out telling any one, PLEASE. On my last call of the day to them they said OK tomorrow, Tues. the 18th, NO one called, NO one showed up. I finally lost it and left messages with every ext. I could and told them they better resolve this and the did call me then and said a trucker would be there in Thus.the 20th. Mind you they took my deposit on the 6th. (She, Dianne told me that the Money was a down payment for the trucker for gas.) Well it was to be a door to door, IT WAS NOT, My Mom had to find someone to take her and fallow her so she could get back home. At this time We /She didn't care she just wanted to get the car on a truck and hoped to God that the truck would make it up to me. FL to WI. The Company that they finely got was a GREAT blessing! He was VERY Nice, Mom said "You could see he took care and pride in his job." He owned his own Company, DIAMOND EXPRESS . Well They, Diamond express called us and keep us so informed. He was on time and Very careful with his load. When he got up to Wisconsin They called us and set up a time and place to deliver. Tues. (Monday was Easter) He then called me with a heads up on where he was and how long it would take him to get there. He was there not late BUT a few minute early. We had a Very nice chat, where he in lighted me on AARP, He said they are a BROKER, they DO NOT own there own trucks. And that down payment that Dianne told me was for the truckers for gas, WELL No. . that is there cut for booking him, One more lie that she, Dianne told me. What is so hard about telling the truth, even if you don't know anything new it would have been nice just to get a call saying Hey, sorry, we don't know anything new, we'll call you when we know something. I Felt so bad that my Mom had to sit at home for 10 days and had to cancel appointments just waiting for the phone to ring. I Will tell Every One DON'T go through them or any broker. Make sure you get a Good Company like DIAMOND EXPRESS. I'm just glad that the car finally got up here No Thanks to AARP.

Company Response
Dianne from American Auto Relocation Pros. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/21/2008 11:56:00 PM
After speaking to the person who left this review, she has since changed her mind and agreed that she included falsehoods. We have the taped and transcribed conversations with the customer admissions. This review should be expunged from all records.