After buying a vehicle across the country I had to figure whether I was going to have it shipped or go get it myself. After getting some quotes from various companies, these guys gave me the only quote that beat the cost of getting it myself, so I decided to give it a go. I contracted with them on 12/30/09 and gave them my $190 deposit (BIG MISTAKE). After calling them repeatedly all I got was excuses saying that "We are just waiting for OUR driver to call us back." implying that they had their own drivers/trucks and had make contact with them already (not true). After doing a little bit more research I learned how this industry actually works (which these guys wouldn't tell me) and realized that they had actually lowballed the quote and couldn't find a driver to move my truck for $ 0.20 a mile. If you don't know how shipping a vehicle works you should check out "" (I am not advocating this company as I have not dealt with them, however their website is superb in providing honest upfront information). After two weeks of nothing but excuses ( I could have waited longer if they had been upfront and honest about what was going on since I was not in any rush) I canceled my order with them and decided to go get the truck myself. They told me they were going to refund my "deposit" within 2-3 business days, but alas 3 weeks later I am still waiting. I am about to file a complaint with the BBB and also file a fraud claim with my bank. I would not recommend this company to anyone and also would like to point out that they have 2 listings on this website.
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North Carolina
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