Valpo doug
Submitted this review about
Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 7/2/2008 6:58:00 PM
OK, I used that subject line, because otherwise this might not be read. I thought about putting a -0- stars on here only to get your attention, reader, as who reads positive reviews? That would be unfair to Angels in the combination of their scores and percentages, so therefore they get the five stars and hopefully the subject line will be enough.
In general:
Service and contact: No problem,
Driver: little understanding English problem (very minor), but he was quite careful
Followup/Angels : Fine...
Pricing, couple hundred more than others, and a couple hundred less than others. It was an appropriate amount in my opinion...
First as my first "car shipping" I spent WAY to much time on this site, but since it was a new car I wanted it to be done right. I even contacted several past -0- Star people for Angels by Email for reasons, and most of their issues related to items (1) and (2) below. For the service, I think their fees were appropriate, their service people courteous, accessible, and professional.
Here is my overall take on the experience and other important suggestions.
Scenario: called and gave go ahead on pickup of daughters car on WednesdayJune 25th, Picked up on Thursday 6/26, arrived in Los Angeles/Malibu at Pepperdine Univ on Monday afternoon 6/30. TYPICAL, LIKELY NOT, but here are the tips, (actually most all of these are on the Angels website under FAQ' but ) I will mention the important ones to me that MUST be understood before you get all over their case.
1. ) ALL (or almost all) of these are companies are BROKERS, not transporters, so they have no control over the trucks or the transport companies other than to simply not use them in the future. They do not set their schedules, nor can they FORCE a particular time for them to pickup/deliver...
2. Flexibility and expectations are totally dependent on your LOCATION. For example I am 10 miles off I-80 going around the end of Lake Michigan, and the PRIMARY west bound route past Chicago from All points east, (including Detroit) Obviously I (or Angels) had NO problem in finding a transport going by. If you choose to live in Pigeon Flats South Dakota, or Alligator Tail Georgia, you can not expect that they are going to be able to find someone willing to pick it up (if at all) in an out of the way rural, and likewise are not going to be able to hold to a SPECIFIC schedule, as quickly as those going to a major market. If you are looking to get a quote out more than two weeks, how can you possibly expect them to KNOW what trucks are going to be going near a particular rural area. If you have SPECIFIC dates and schedule, consider having the destination in a larger market area and you go to meet them. It might be possible to get a more specific delivery date/time.
3) Document, Document, Document.- I photographed everything, In particular the car, the video of it being loaded on to the truck (and where on the truck it was located) etc. With digital, if you dont need it later, delete it, but if you do, you have it Documented what the condition of the vehicle is when it left your control. (ok i am a lawyer too, so this comes as second nature to be a little suspicious, and a LOT skeptical... ) This (photos or video) would be of immense help should there be some damage on the delivery end. No Problem, then delete the photos. I just took them with my cell phone...
4) Inspection at the other end is CRITICAL !! If you dont find whatever damage is there on delivery, dont go whining about it later... INSPECT the car in DETAIL... look in particular around the drivers door (where they would get in and out to move it on/off the carrier) and the roof area (for bouncing or improper clearance from above. (look also for fluids on your paint if the vehicle is on the lower level of an 8-10 car mover...)
Accept delivery only in light sufficient to fully inspect the vehicle... If they are not delivering during daylight hours, be aware that darkness, even partial, can hide damage or scratches. If you must accept in late evening hours, or after sunset, consider a well lit parking lot area. In a setting sun, make sure you rotate car 180 degrees to look at both sides in the best light.
5. Hand over the delivery balance and sign the receipt for the vehicle ONLY when you are satisfied there is no damage.
6. Is it going to be dirty, (especially if it has gone X-Country?) of course it is....
Good grief, and boo hoo... what do you expect? DON'T sweat DIRTY, Sweat Damage! Nicks, pits, pings, dents, etc. Then, Go get it washed...
7. (TIP) Although I had NO PROBLEM whatsoever with Andrew Transport out of Detroit, i would also make this recommendation. Make sure that Mileage is noted on P/U Contract, as well as FUEL Level. With gas at $ 4.25 + a gallon, it would not surprise me if some other less than honest transporters might INcrease their profit margin, by DEcreasing the fuel level in your tank. (especially since I sent my daughter the car with a FULL tank.) There again. the cell phone camera works well for recording the mileage and fuel levels, especially if it dates the pix. .... Not a problem for me, just a suggestion for you, the reader.
Bottom line, I think Angels (as well as Andrew Transport) did very well and I will be using them at the end of the school year when the car is coming back to Indiana. Sure beats worrying about my daughter on the road by herself for three days.
I also would welcome any Emails, if you have any specific questions.
GREAT JOB !!! as they would say on E-Bay... A +++++++++