Huge help

Gary Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 7/19/2004 9:20:00 PM
I had a great experience with Angels Moving Autos. My mother-in-law and father-in-law were at their summer home in Idaho when my mother-in-law was hospitalized. She needed to be transported by air back to a hospital in Pennsylvania, and we needed to find a way to get their car back. I received quotes from many transport companies and called a number of them. Dina was by far the most helpful of everyone with whom I spoke. She got someone to move the car within a few days, and within about 10 days the car was back. Although at $950 Angels was not the lowest quote ($850 was the lowest), it was close, and much less than some companies quoted (as high as $1400). I had no problem reaching Angels for updates, and they did everything they said they would do. In short, they really helped take care of an important issue during a stressful time for my family.