
Charles Submitted this review about Auto Shipping Group LLC
Review made Live: 3/21/2014 1:00:00 PM
Kim, has done excellent and communicates well and often to customers.

It is odd that this review "MUST" be approximately 200 characters of relevant text.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Auto Shipping Group LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/21/2014 1:31:00 PM
DOMESTIC AUTO TRANSPORT KIMBERLY@DOMESTICAUTOTRANSPORT.COM 360-853-2814 CALL OR EMAIL ME FOR A FREE QUOTE ANYTIME! I HAVE BEEN WITH OUR COMPANY FOR NEARLY 7 YEARS! Charles, Ok I have to say I love this review! I agree that they should not have to leave at least 200 characters, but its a rule on the website lol. I have really enjoyed working with you. This has been one of my easier moves from Hawaii. If you need anything else in the meantime, please let me know.