Car transporter review

Brian Hauguel Submitted this review about Auto Shipping Group LLC
Review made Live: 10/24/2014 6:21:00 PM
Very happy with Tige Yeargin and ASG . I received many quotes on shipping my car and they were all about the same amount from company to company. I chose ASG because Tige was very knowledgable, articulate and customer service oriented. They made the move easy and carefree by offering continuos and effective emails detailing every step of the process. I am presently having a second car shipped by Tige and ASG as we speak....I would definitely refer these folks vs others who quoted me because these other shippers kept calling and calling and borderline harassing me, about their many of these other companies did not speak English very well which really concerned me, thus this why I chose ASG....

Company Response
Terry Williams from Auto Shipping Group LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/26/2014 12:10:00 PM
TIGE YEARGIN 602.428.6882 TIGE@AUTOSHIPPINGGROUP.COM Thank you for allowing me to move your vehicle. We strive to make each move as smooth as possible. If the need arises please do not hesitate to call on me again. Tige