Hello Everyone, I had to transport my car and let them know before 4 days and made myself clear that I have a cutoff timelines. Lauren(Associate) has sweet talk to cheat people. She said, she will try to get a carrier by cutoff time but she didn't. In the meantime, I signed agreement. As They couldnt find a service by timelines, I drove myself and let her know before I start driving. Later they deducted my money and saying they won't return. Spoke to her manager and he said he listened the recordings but I am sure he didn't. When I asked for voice recordings, he said, he won't provide.
What a service! Is this how business make money! just by luring people with false promises. Anyways,I am gonna get my money from Credit card dispute but how to teach lesson to this kinda bogus companies.
I'm not writing this because I lost my money. I am writing this because I have been cheated for the first time in USA. I have lots of respect this country and living here for last 5 years. Never experienced this kinda service and response from American company.
I spoke to a lawyer and my credit card people. Decided to file a compliant. I am 100% sure, I made myself clear MANY TIMES in my conversation with Lauren and it must be recorded in calls. If I file a case, they should provide the calls logs and conversations to my lawyer. Anyone has same experience? Can anyone help me providing some contacts(lawyers) who has experience in this cases.
I appreciate any help.
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