Company Response
Michelle Mesa from
AutoGo Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/11/2014 6:03:00 PM
First I would like to clarify that we are a broker agent not a carrier. The quote we provided was in line with the pay the carrier was requesting for the transport and our broker fee. Mr. Ayorinde Ogunbameru placed his order and we found a carrier that matched his dates and set up the dispatch to carrier once we received his Terms and conditions agreement which states 14. Customer is free to cancel or change dates on this order without penalty as long as a transporter has not been assigned to pickup and/or no services have been rendered. Customer agrees to pay $150.00 for cancellation or for changing of dates after a carrier has been contracted by AutoGo. There was a miscommunication in dates provided by carrier when carrier called to schedule pickup and Mr. Ayorinde Ogunbameru would not allow us or carrier to clarify. He requested we cancel order and that is why he was charged a cancellation fee. With further investigation on Central Dispatch load board Mr. Ayorinde Ogunbameru was working with other brokers as well and may have been the reason he wanted to cancel. I can say we tried to clarify situation with client with no positive result.