
Kim Submitted this review about AutoMobile Ship LLC
Review made Live: 3/21/2007 7:19:00 PM
They seemed to have some good reviews but what is weird (after the fact) they don't have an address and when I called today to verify the DOT number, the lady gave me the wrong one. She said they are based in Hollywood, Ca they billed from Boca Raton FL but none of their contracts say their address. I should have been more thorough but now I learned a lesson.

I arranged the transport but made an error on my transposrt days for Pickup. I mixed them up with the moving company that is moving my posessions. But Antwan and I discussed it and pushed back the date 5 days. I sent him an updated contract with appropriate changes. He said he would call when he had the new date and driver info. But then I noticed he charged my debit card and I wondered why. The contract states that your deposit if refundable unless you are assigned a drive. I left him a message to call and he never did. I had to call him and he said he never got the message. I asked why he hadn't called and his reply was that he didn't want to call until he had all the details. I told him the lack of return phone calls and his shortness on the phone were making me feel uncomfrotable. I sent my written cancellation form over but he told me that he would not refund my $150 deposit since he had assigned a driver.

March 20th he chrages my dredit card, March 21st he tells me at 3:00 EST what day the drive will be there but won't refund my deposit since he says he didn't do anything wrong. I am upset about the $150 as moving across the country isn't cheap but my car at least won't be in his hands...... just becareful. Get their addresses and DOT number...Now I am having trouble finding them as the 1-888-number above doesn't work, they are not in BBB, Not in the DOT...

Company Response
AutoMobileShip from AutoMobile Ship LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/2/2007 3:19:00 PM
Kimberly Kasubke was well informed of all aspects of her transport. She has never shipped a car before so she was a bit nervous. We did all we can to make her comfortable, and to make the process as strees-free as possible. As for verifying our compnay information, she was using the wrong web-site to research our company. She was advised the her deposit is charged once her car has been assigned to a driver. She argues that her her car was not scheduled, and that I made it up just to keep her deposit. I have a signed and dated comfirmation from the driver that was assigned. A slight mis-understanding along with the fears of shipping a car for the first time is the reason for Ms. Kasubke's displeasure.