ken Hurst
Submitted this review about Automotive Transport Inc. Review made Live: 10/11/2004 5:15:00 PM
1966 Scout was picked up in Montana 6 days after contract was made. It was delivered on a 3 vehicle ramp trailer by the same person that picked it up, 5 days later. Scout arrived undamaged (except for a million squashed bugs on the front). Only negitive was that no notification via any form, E-mail, phone etc ever happened. The Driver of the truck called my home phone (had requested Cell phone), 10 minutes before he arrived at my door at 8:30 AM. It was luck I was home and had the money ready. I was never notified the contract was issued, the truck was picked up or any warning when it would arrive. I knew it was on the way only because I called the person I purchased it from in Montana to alert him that I had contracted Automotive Transport to move it. He told me the Scout had been picked up the day before and it was gone!
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