Rude, Cheating Criminals

Jeff Grabarek Submitted this review about Autotrail
Review made Live: 9/13/2005 9:51:00 AM
While still trying to obtain status on my car shipped from CA to NC, I went online only to find these reviews. Now I feel worse! It's been 6 weeks now, I've been lied to, hung up on, called names, etc., etc. while only trying to find out where my car is. While they quote 9 - 10 business days, that means absolutely nothing. Customer "service" is a joke; non-existent. The Manager, Geg I believe, is an ass - rude as hell. My experience with this company has been horrible. DO NOT USE! I will attempt to use all in my abilities to run these guys out of business. Additionally, I will file a police report and try all I can to get them arrested for theft.