BT Auto Transport near criminal!!!

Kevin Submitted this review about BT Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/9/2012 3:37:00 PM
I have a COMPLETE write up on I just found this site now, as I'm having another auto shipped next week. THEE worst experience EVER!!! ...that is the link to my story. The only reason he even rePLIED, was I gave him a heads up that I was POSTING the story of his sorry butt online!!

Ha...I could have posted it up and he'd never know, because we ALL know companies lose business every day without ever hearing/knowing about it. For this jackleg, it's well noted.

I don't know how he can sleep at night. Wait...I guess I do...his consciience is so seared, he doesn't GIVE a rip about people!

"Crooked" is a light adjective to describe him. I'll leave it at that, but BE WARNED! Obviously it doesn't happen to e/one, but think about it...if even ONE person is dealt with in this manner, is that not eNOUGH?!?!?

Transport companies are one of THEE largest goup of companies that have reports filed against them. DO YOUR DUE DILEGENCE, and don't say I didn't warn you!