Submitted this review about Bluestar Auto Movers Review made Live: 12/20/2010 10:23:00 AM
As they are "Only a Broker", they are untouchable and blame everything on everyone else. The dealership recommended the company. It took over 24 hours to get tracking response. When BLUESTAR finally did respond they said vehicle was due that very same day. Never showed. No response to inquiry. The vehicle did show the next day with all 4 wheels covered in mud (Picked up in FLA!). I was told vehicle stays on the carrier it leaves on. It arrived on a roll back. Like others, there was oil sprayed on the vehicle, especially the hood, and front rims horribly scuffed.
I got no response via email or phone for weeks if I recall right. I finally sent an email stating I would plaster the internet about their poor service. THEN I got calls from Jason...
I was going to let it go until I got calls from the actual transportercompany asking for help in getting paid because BLUESTAR told them I had disputed the transaction and never paid. Now I have to find the paperwork to show I paid etc.....
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