9170 trinity dr,
Lake in the hills, IL, 60156

QUser Question

Can I ship more than one vehicle?

Would I be able to ship more than 1 vehicle at a time? Can shipping multiple vehicles qualify me for any discounts or provide me with any benefits?


Multiple shipping

Yes, you can ship more than one vehicle at a time, and doing so often qualifies you for discounts and other benefits. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Multi-Vehicle Discount

  • Discounts: Byroad Logistics offer discounts if you ship more than one vehicle at the same time. The exact discount can vary depending on the company, the number of vehicles, and the distance of the shipment.

2. Streamlined Process

  • Single Pickup and Delivery: Shipping multiple vehicles together can simplify the logistics. You’ll typically have a single pickup and delivery location, which can make scheduling easier.
  • Coordination: You’ll be dealing with the same company and possibly the same driver, which can reduce complications and communication issues.

3. Cost Efficiency

  • Combined Costs: Transporting multiple vehicles together can reduce the overall cost per vehicle because the company may offer a lower per-vehicle rate when multiple cars are shipped in one go.
  • Shared Resources: Byroad Logistics will consolidate resources, such as using one carrier for multiple vehicles, leading to operational savings that can be passed on to you.

4. Flexibility

  • Route Optimization: Byroad Logistics will be more flexible with routing and scheduling when transporting multiple vehicles, potentially leading to faster or more convenient delivery options.

5. Bundled Services

  • Additional Services: Byroad Logistics offer additional perks or services, like priority shipping or enhanced insurance options, when you ship multiple vehicles.

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