Quick and easy shipment

Don R Submitted this review about Capitol Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/28/2011 9:00:00 PM
After winning a vehicle on Ebay, I quickly came to the conclusion that it would be easier and more cost effective to have my vehicle shipped rather than try to fly and drive or drive down and drive back. As most people that have never shipped a vehicle , I immediately started looking for the best price. I solicited quotes from a couple of sites and got an avalanche of email quotes and phone calls. I started my research on the internet to find out how the whole process works. It quickly became apparent that low ball quotes are just to get you to call and your vehicle will sit forever at those prices. Only lower rated companies or those that have no background take the cheap bids and that's only if they have nothing else available. So to get a good carrier in a reasonable amount of time you will HAVE to pay an attractive price. It's really common sense. I also learned that all the brokers have equal access to all those carriers out there. Good brokers know who the good carriers are. Likewise, the carriers know which brokers supply reliable clients. So finding a good honest broker is the key. But having said that I think next time I would try to contact the carrier directly. It is possible to locate carriers in the originating area and check out their credentials online. I was able to check out Tempest (my carrier) and found all the traffic citations they received in the last year. They were minor but others I found had some scarry transportation police baggage. Going direct will save you the broker fee (mine was $185). This is a more risky road to take and requires more effort, if that's not for you use a broker and use this site to help you find a reliable one.
Kind Regards,
Don R
P.S. I think Tempest Transportation and driver Woodie deserve 95% of the credit. They did an excellent job. Extremely professional and very customer oriented. Thanks Woodie !