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Larry Wagner Submitted this review about Car Shipping Pros
Review made Live: 9/20/2013 1:07:00 PM
I authorized service on Thursday afternoon and Car Shipping Pro's called on Monday morning with a pick up for Tuesday morning, but the driver wanted an additional $50.00 which I agreed to. The car was derlivered the next day in perfect condition.
Be careful in the broker/carrier you choose, low and sometimes mid price will not always get you results. I had signed on with another broker in the mid range and found out after a week of waiting that they were not offering enough money to the driver for them to take the order.
Give Kathleen and Maria a raise for they are what more companies need in excellant customer service.

Company Response
Kathleen Parker from Car Shipping Pros Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/28/2013 6:02:00 PM
Larry did mention to Maria this was a 5 star review so the 4 star rating is a slight slip of the finger here. We worked very hard for a 5 star review so Maria wanted to point this out here. Larry on behalf of the crew at Car Shipping Pros it was delightful to deal with you sir and I personally thought this was amazing team work from the very start so no wonder all turned up excellent! As we mentioned to you when you placed the order we usually quote within a $50 margin window so if the driver calls in wanting additional funds due to their designated flat fees then that won't be a hurdle we have to cross with the consumer. So you were cool when he asked and we presented you with the option naturally. We got this done earlier then expected as we originally told you we needed a 3-5 BUSINESS DAY time frame to get this done and we did it in the second business day. Just how we like it! We always over deliver Larry just like i promised ya! Thanks Mr. Wagner for your business and I am looking forward to taking care of your auto shipping when you need to return! ============================== Kathleen Parker============18883899927 extension 103======