order #7742 agent Francesca

Tejas Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 7/19/2012 5:39:00 PM
I have never shipped a car, and I had to move from PA to AZ for work. I was going to buy a new car in AZ, but figured to save some money and just ship my car. I made the decision last minute and then got quotes emailed to me.

Francesca was the 1st person to call me, in addition to emailing me, and walked me thru the process. I did my due diligence and eventually went with her company. It took about 5 days to get a carrier, and the guy came on time, and delivered my car to AZ about 2 days early.

After I got the car, I forgot to call her to tell her I got it, and then she actually followed up with me to make sure it got there.

She did a great job, and if I get lucky enough to move back east, Ill use her again!

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/20/2012 6:32:00 PM
Francesca (360) 450-5073, francesca@car-transporters.com - Thank you, Tejas. It was an absolute pleasure working with you. You were very polite and flexible throughout the entire process! I hope you do end up shipping a vehicle again. Blessings to you.