Cascade Vehicle Shipping ROCKS!

Dan Cruz Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 10/4/2012 4:03:00 PM
After extensive research of many different shippers and shipping brokers, I decided to settle on Cascade Vehicle Shipping due to the large volume of positive, non-compensated reviews. I was very apprehensive coming into this shipment because of the high cost of a cross-country, abnormally large shipment... not to mention the slew of horror stories I had heard about vehicles getting damaged and vandalized. In this case, my fears were unfounded, mostly due to CVS's perseverance and dedication to making the process as painless as possible. At the end of the day, I felt confident that I understood the entire process, as well as where CVS and the actual shipper got their commissions from. I knew there would be no hidden fees or charges. Damon was willing to spend a lot of his precious time on the phone with me going over the details, and never tried to rush me or push me into selecting CVS. When the truck was delayed due to mechanical problems, Damon let me know. When the driver failed to contact me after picking up the truck, Damon got on his case and I was immediately contacted. The truck arrived when he said he would be here, and my vehicle had only slight dust and bugs collected from the 2800+ mile trip. A relief, to say the least! Bottom line: CVS is a very professional, up-front shipping company with no surprises and excellent communication. Being as I'm in the Army, I will be moving again within 3 years, and absolutely plan on coming back to Cascade to make the move as seamless as possible. Thank you Damon, and thank you Cascade. You guys rock. Regards, Dan Cruz

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/4/2012 5:25:00 PM
DAMON LUCKEY 360-834-7898. Dan, Wow what an outstanding review, must be the best one so far! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this review for me. The review says so much about the effort I provide my clients and the integrity of not only myself, but the company I work for. Thanks for protecting me and my loved ones by serving our great country!