
Bob Perkins Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 9/5/2008 12:18:00 AM
I was told I had to use a credit card for the deposit. I was not told about a 3% charge or that I could have used an electronic check to save this fee. Novella got the drop off date wrong with the first company she booked and then had to search for another once I told her she got the date wrong.

The company she got was very reliable and prompt on both the pick up and drop off however the car was filthy once it got to its destination due to anpther car leaking above it on the truck.

I was told by Novella that the final amount billed to my card was $185, but the actual amount was $190.55 (the 3% charge I knew nothing about). She is now telling me that if I would give her an excellent rating she would ask her boss to refund me the $5.55.

I will call her boss tomorrow and ask for it myself. Obviously I gave her the lowest rating possible and will never use use Cascade again.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/5/2008 11:38:00 AM
Mr. Perkins, We are sorry for the miscommunication about the 3 % fee. It does state in our terms and conditions in the 4th paragraph which you received with the very first quote we gave you: Deposit information is collected at the time a carrier has been assigned. The deposit may be paid via PayPal, credit card, bank wire or electronic check. There is a 3% transaction fee applied to PayPal and credit card transactions. There is no fee for electronic checks. Although deposit information is collected at the time a carrier is assigned, the deposit will not be collected until it has been verified that the vehicle has been loaded onto the transport vehicle and is in route to the designated delivery location. We do ask all our customers to give great reviews for the service that we provide. We are sorry that you feel like we did not meet your expectations. We had your vehicle picked up on the date you had requested, and delivered the date you requested. For the trucking company that we used for your service they had no delays. They were prompt and delivered your vehicle in a timely manner. I will be waiting for your phone call so we can discuss on how to refund you the $5.55. Thank you