J&P Transport State of MI should take away his right to transport Vehicles

Sam Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 12/11/2009 4:53:00 AM
J and P transport
Company Information
Vendor ID: 12654
Company Name: J and P Transportation CH
Address: 29488 woodward ave Ste 194
City: Royal Oak
State: MI
Zip: 48073
Phone: 347-237-3867
Emer. Phone: 718+727-2999
Fax: 718-727-2999
ICC Number: 592291
STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY. Do not let them near your vehicle!
J& P was under contract but the company was looking to extort money from me and the broker . J&P transport company drove car for over 80 miles with no plate or regerstration and with out letting me know they would be driving my car. Jand P would not let me know where my vehicle was when we asked Paul said fU_ K you to my mother . Job took over 5 days to reach N.Y from MI this job was less then 700 miles .The 1st time I spoke with the company I was told he would not delive my car if I didn't give him 75.00 extra. By the last day the company was up to 330.00 aditional money . When the drive dilvered my vechile after 5 days he said he took good care of my car and ask me if I was going to give him a tip.
Alex the drive wanted extra money plus a tip .ALEX would not accept the postal money order
that I had for payment said cash only .After all of this ALEX the drive told me he belived in god and I will be taken care of . Alex said I would be in accident with the car and fuck you. I WOULD LIKE HELP IN MAKE SURE THIS COMPANY IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO THIS TO THE NEXT PERSON IF Cascade Vehicle Shipping, Inc Can assist me with this task then I will be happy. I also would like to thank the supervisor I contacted @central disbatch in Californa with out her help I might not have recived my vehicle. Also Thank you Jeff fromCascade Vehicle Shipping.