Leo Valdez III Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 2/1/2011 10:35:00 PM
Kimberly was honest and quickly processed the transaction to make a smooth pickup and delivery. It is a little unsettling to deal with a company for the first time and pay over the phone a large amount of money. After paying the money over the phone with Cascade Kimberly called me back and three way called Matson and we setup payment with Matson to ship my vehicle to Honolulu.

The vehicle was picked up quickly by the trucking company within 2 days and actually showed up a day earlier. I was given the cell number of the driver which I contacted after he picked up my vehicle in Texas. Very pleasant to speak with and answered my calls everytime I called him. A bit of a delay in making the cut for the Wednesday deadline with Matson to ship out on Sat. However the driver made the deadline and we had our vehicle shipped on time. Total time from pickup to delivery was 16 days. My Volvo S60 was shipped from San Antonio TX to Honolulu HI.

Vehicle arrived as shipped and everything was as we left it. Thank you Kimberly. Will use again.

Leo Valdez III RNC
House Supervisor
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children
1319 Punahoe St.
Honolulu HI 96826

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/2/2011 12:26:00 PM
Kimberly@Cascadevehicleshipping.com 360-834-7898 ext 230 cvs.kimberly@yahoo.com Leo, It was so nice working with you. I know you were nervous for a while to see if we would make the cutoff, fortunately we made the cut off even a day late. If you need anything else please let me know. I look forward to working with you again. Thanks