Failure to provide booking and would not honor own policy

Charles Submitted this review about Cosmos Auto Inc.
Review made Live: 5/29/2008 1:08:00 AM
These are the following facts,

1. Cosmos notified me via voicemail and confirmed via telephone that my vehicle was going to be picked up by All About Towing Inc. of Oregon on May 27th and delivered on May 28th. Of course they took my money on May 22.

2. Morning of May 28 I called All About Towing Inc. to confirm the pick up of my vehicle the day prior and was told that Cosmos do not have a contract with them and there is no booking for the vehicle to be picked up.

3. I called Cosmos office at 10:30am and asked David Lamphier point blank if they have a firm booking for me at this time. If they did, they were to provide me with the booked transportation company' info. He answered there is no confirmed booking at this time. I immediately requested to cancel my order with Cosmos as they do not have a confirmed booking or assignment. Instead of offering a full refund of $150, he said I cannot receive a full refund. The only problem was that he could not provide me with booking info and cannot confirm a booking with a specific transporter. When asked to speak to the owner, he said he was "highest you can go". He refused to speak to me further and rudely hanged up. Fortunately, I did advised him in the middle of our conversation that he was being recorded and now have a record of our conversation confirming that Cosmos did not have a booking. The recording will be available for court use if necessary.

This is the term of the contract from Cosmos own website (perhaps he needs to read it himself one more time):

Customer has the option to cancel at any time prior to the vehicle being assigned to a transporter at no cost to the Customer.

4. In addition, I faxed them in writing to cancel my order at 11:15am since they refused to address the issue on the phone (also with confirmation of fax transmission). I have also in possession, a confirmation at 11AM, in writing, from the transportation listing board that my vehicle was still listed and available for contract to any transport company (i.e. still no booking.)

Therefore, Cosmos did not provide the contracted service and did not honor Cosmos own policy.


DO THE RIGHT THING! I want an apology letter along with a full refund!


Company Response
Cosmos Auto Inc from Cosmos Auto Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/2/2008 12:29:00 PM
The vehicle was scheduled for pick up with All About Towing Inc. and they seem to forget that they signed and faxed back our order sheet. We have proof that they received the order and were shipping the vehicle. For this we have good reason to believe Mr. Charles Cheng is still shipping his vehicle with All About Towing Inc. It is hard enough to run a business this days without fraud but we believe that to be the case here. I would think Mr. Charles Cheng of all people would know since he claims to be a doctor.