Cross Country Auto Transport is a broker who assigned a company based out of Stockton, Ca to transport my vehicle to Texas. The vehicle was picked up late and delivered late. The company they assigened Outlaw Transport was very unprofessional and very unclear of the method of payment. They ended up delivering my vehicle a day late and they delivered it late night which was I think was an attempt to hide the damage they did to my vehicle. They first attempted to drop it off in a dark area near my home but was unbale to due to space so it had to be done in a gas station parking lot where there was plenty of light. I noticed the damage that was done to my exhaust pipe almost right away and I was told by the driver that it was something I would have to take up with Cross Country. Well, needless to say it's almost been a year and neither one of them want to take responsibilty for what they've done. It was hard enough to leave family and friends to relocate to a place we've never been and this issue did not help the transition. Stay away from either one of these carriers if you do not want the head ache.
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Beth Feldman
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