Len V
Submitted this review about DNA Auto Transport LLC Review made Live: 1/12/2015 5:41:00 PM
For several months, my cousin in Chicago had been trying to decide if she wanted my Dallas area 2000 Honda Accord. While she considered, I had obtained quotes from several transporters. I liked the various options offered by DNA. I contacted them and on several occasions spoke with Darlene. We agreed the $650.00 option was the best for my needs. On December 21st my cousin called saying she wanted the vehicle. On the 22nd, I notified Darlene, she immediately emailed a contract, which I signed and returned. Shortly, Dominic (her brother) called to say he had a carrier in San Antonio hoping to make it home to Chicago by Christmas and could pick up early on the 23rd. As promised, early the next morning, Adam was in front of our house to load the car. On Christmas Eve, my cousin had a new (to her) Honda delivered to her door. GREAT EXPERIENCE.
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