DAS helped move 2 of my vehicles..on time and excellent service!

Badrie Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 10/30/2011 8:25:00 PM
I have used DAS before for a similar move and this time I wanted to compare quotes before I went with DAS. I did get a competitive quote but DAS matched the price and it was pleasant experience from start to finish.

The drop-off station in San Diego completed a thorough inspection and took extra care to mark every possible scratch or dent the car had. He was very strict about leaving stuff in the back of the car, and let me know only soft items like clothes or bedding. This was a minor stickler for me as the last time they let me put other stuff too.

I was surprised with a call 3 days ahead of my actual pick-up date, that the car had already arrived and was ready for pickup. I moved 2 of my cars at different days and as expected the one shipped earlier arrived earlier.

If at all I had any gripe, it would be the car wash! The station in San Diego had washed my car at the time of pickup when I shipped couple of yrs ago, but the one in Texas didn't bother. It was a sweltering 105 F when I picked up my vehicles and a simple car wash would have atleast helped cool the vehicle down.

I would definitely recommend DAS for any long-distance moving! Great price, service and delivers on time!