McClain Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 8/18/2009 8:50:00 PM
This company was recommended to me by a furniture moving company. I came to them after having a bad experience with another auto shipping company Caviness Auto Carriers. I took my car to the terminal on June 26th, 2009 and the gentlemen there did a good job examining the car and making notations of any dings, scrapes and scratches. My car was scheduled to arrive on July 11, 2009. My car arrived in Georgia on July 8th 2009 about a 2 hour drive from its destination. It sat there in Georgia from July 8th until July 16th, 2009. Getting in contact with customer service was horrible by phone and by the internet. The manager of the Customer service department would not return calls and no one would respond to email. One customer service representative was rude and unhelpful. Wait time on the phone was over 30 minutes each time I called. I finally figured out their phone system to get a person on the phone and ended up with the accounting department who finally got me in touch with someone who tried to help me.
My car finally arrived on July 16th from Georgia to Alabama. They let my car sit two hours away from final destination for 9 days after calling repeatedly each day to get it here. They basically ignored my needs or concerns for getting my vehicle to me. This could have all been avoided if they just would have taken the initiative to call me and let me know what was going on. I believe that this company has the potential to do good work. The customer service manager should be fired and never rehired for anything concerning customer service. He has given this company a bad reputation.