Well Pleased with DAS

Bud Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 6/10/2010 10:15:00 AM
After waiting over a month for a door-to-door transport company to pick up my car, we decided to use DAS. The problem with the first company was that our destination was "too far" from a freeway. No one told us that when they took our deposit.

With DAS it was smooth all the way. Since we'd already left California, my wife's brother took the car to the closest terminal. The car arrived at the destination pick-up location a day ahead of schedule. During the transit, I was able to call an automated system every day to hear the location of my car. This gave me great peace of mind.

I highly recommend DAS. They move the most cars and seem to have the most reliable system. With other brokers, they are all fishing in the same pond, looking for a trucker to take your car.