Evans Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 5/14/2007 11:26:00 PM
I had a very good expirence with the auto shipper that I went with I was getting quotes of double or more and found that by finding a carrier not a broker I cut the price almost by a third then the other 'brokers' were giving me. I drop it off 13 miles from the place and a week later picked it up from there place 16 miles from my house. Was it worth the money I saved picking it up and dropping it off yes very well worth it. I really liked how you could watch where the car was on their web site. I knew it was there before they called to let me know. Over all I would give them a grade of an A the only down side was the person I picked up my car from couldn't get it started but it's a 6 vlot and most people think cars just start up but mine takes a bit I jumped in and it was running in 15 seconds. Great shipper save yourself alot of headache and go with DAS.