dependable towing and recovery is far from being dependable . picked up car 3 days late .my drop off date was the 18th didn't pick up car til the 18th at 1:30 in the morning. 12 days later a saw my fresh 4 week old paint job with a 1/2 inch scratch in the passenger door. the dispatch person from this company told me when i called there about my car he told me to (JUST HOPE YOUR CAR GET THERE IN ONE PIECE). any ways my car finally gets here after 12 days with a 1/2 inch scratch in a 4 week old paint job that never left my yard. grease all over it/ dead battery /engine light on /motor ticking.any ways if you go with this company be ready to rent a car til you get yours to your $530..00 turned into $1265.00 with my rental plus the scratch in the door another$250.00 so all together $1515.00 ..well next time i will just let a cave man drive my car to where it needs to go
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