I did my homework and looked at many reviews before choosing Direct Connect because they seemed to be the lesser of all evils. (BTW when you start contacting these folks for quotes, they start calling you incessantly-fun) I specifically told the dispatch supervisor I didn’t want any surprises, and it was one surprise after another. When they WANTED my business, everyone was real responsive, but when things started going wrong there was nothing but crickets. Our pick up for 2 vehicles in Illinois going to Florida was $2200 which I paid with my credit card. The driver was a day and half late for the pickup causing us to scramble to change home closing which costs $. We were told our cars would be delivered on the following Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesday, the only response we could get was “I’ll call the driver,” and your vehicle (singular) is in transit. They showed up with apologies Wednesday afternoon and said our payment was COD. I assured the drivers that my credit card had been charged and to take it up with dispatch. Perfect example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing. Even our insurance agent said this was a very risky endeavor. Everyone was nice enough, I suppose. Never again. Nope.
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