Well Done!

Peter Beaudette Submitted this review about Direct Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/1/2008 11:15:00 PM
I was going to drive the vehicle 2000 miles but started doing the math. $400 for gas, $200 for hotel and food and three days of driving all day, plus the risk of speeding tickets, accidents or mechanical problems. I decided to go on the internet and research maybe taking a auto transport company. I called an 800 number, gave the details and was promised to be called back. The next day I got a call and that was it. I drove the car to an agreed upon place-it would have cost me a lot more to let them come to Aspen, so I drove 80 miles to Frisco to meet the truck and hop a Greyhound back. The driver Rodney was right on time and his brother Terry delivered the car less than a week later. The car arrived without damages or problems. I would highly reccommend this service. Great service and a very fair price.

Columbia, SC