pontiac bonneville shipping

john v Submitted this review about Door to Door Transport
Review made Live: 11/30/2010 3:21:00 PM
Lola did the initial contract work and
Mike did the pickup and delivery. I didn't take the lowest bid, never do.
Had slight miss communication early that was taken care of immediately Lola told me i would be contacted on Wednesday about the driver that would do the transporting
On wednesday she called and gave me the name and number of the driver. (From Demver)
Same day, the drivers wife calls to get the details of the pick up. Later, Mike call to get the nessasary documents to release the auto to him. FBI had the vehicle, witch they released after giving it a complete inspection before shipping. The battery was dead due to several weeks of not driving it. Mike jump started the car and loaded on his rig
mike would call me as he progessed to Omaha. Bad weather in MO. slowed himdown a bit, he got into Omaha about 10PM. Told him to park in a large lot about 3block from my house.
The little time it took us to drive down to pick the car up, Mike had it unloaded along with two other cars. My car was in front of the other two. Car had some dirt on it, but I was sure happy to get in it and drive with the wife. Mike continued on to Demver to complete his job. I paid him cash to complete the contract, and we parted happily ever after.