Michigan to Texas 1.5 days

Ron Binkley Submitted this review about Dream Car Connections
Review made Live: 1/27/2006 1:29:00 PM
The man is amazing. Does anybody really like to drive as much as Rick?

I met Rick when I sold my 1961 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible. He was sent from the new owner in Floida to pick it up from me in Austin. He was so careful. I was really impressed.

He asked me what I was going to replace it with. I told him I was thinking about a mercedes convertible. He then told me about a gentleman in Michigan that had just what I was looking for. I called the gentleman and bought the car. Talk about great networking!!

Needless to say, Rick delivered my shiny red Mercedes it top notch condition.

He really is amazing......Dallas to New Mexico to New Jersy to Michigan to Austin all in 5 days!

Bottom line is that you might save a few bucks hiring a transport company that hauls 6 at a time but, there's nothing like that special service you get from the man that hauls one car at a time and does it very well!

Ron Binkley
Austin, Texas