1250 N. Lakeview Ave Suite #D
Anaheim CA, 92807
How long does it take to transport my vehicle? What is a typical pick up and delivery time frame?
Car transport usually takes between 1-6 calendar days from the date a car is picked up to when it’s dropped off. A driver typically covers about 500 miles per day. The first available pickup date for car shipping is most often 2-7 business days after an order is placed, and express auto transport is frequently available in 24-72 hours.
Your pickup window depends on whether you select "open/standard" or "express" shipping.
Standard Shipping pickup date is usually 2-7 business days after your order is placed. Actual pick-up and drop-off dates may have a margin of +/- 1 or 2 days.
Express Shipping offers pickup within 1-3 days and a choice of guaranteed (a) pickup date or (b) drop-off date or (c) shortest possible time-interval between pickup and drop-off. Express not available on all routes.
the following date-ranges are typical.
| Calendar Days
Of course while the "rule of thumb" above can be helpful, actual times may vary depending on
We recommend you call us at least 3-10 days before you need pickup -- but not more than 2 weeks in advance. We look forward to serving you.
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