
Joshua Submitted this review about Eco Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/15/2024 8:14:00 PM
This company contacted me, quoted me $280 to transport from New Jersey to North Carolina. The day the car was supposed to be picked up, they contacted me told me that they needed to renegotiate the price. For $700 more. I told them absolutely not we had a sign contract. They said well did you read section 15 and section 19 which states price may change. The lady on the phone was beyond pushy trying to get me to sign the contract. They were supposed to pick the car up on the 14th in New Jersey and deliver it to North Carolina on the 15th. The actual car carrier company never received the paperwork for it until 8:00 on the 14th. They scheduled the pickup for the 15th. When the driver showed up to pick up the car, he told me he received the orders only a few hours before. Echo Auto transport try telling me that they tried contacting the shipper the entire evening of the 14th and refused to answer the phone. When I spoke with the driver on the 15th he said he had just received the pickup order only hours before. I then spoke to the driver's dispatcher who was telling me that the driver was supposed to collect $600 from me when he delivered the car and that they were supposed to send $100 brokerage fee back to echo transport. I told dispatch that I already paid the broker's fee of $133 and that I was only supposed to give the driver $150 when he delivered the vehicle on the 15th. They tried telling me that the driver had brake issues on the 14th and was unable to make the pickup. My question is if the driver was trying to call the pickup person on the night of the 14th and had break problems, why did he only receive the pickup order on the 15th. They are nothing but a bunch of scammers. Needless to say I fired them and they did not pick up the car. The actual car carrier company dispatcher completely understood with me and I had the shipper give the driver $40 to try to help compensate for fuel. As it was not their fault. Echo transport company is a third party and is doing nothing but try to scam people. The car company was only charging $500 and that extra $100 that I was supposed to give the driver was supposed to go back to echo transport as a broker fee. Stay away from them do not use them they are scamming people out of their money. The dispatcher said that echo transport charges more money for more expensive cars instead of being fair and charging the same amount for all cars.