Fired because they were 5 days late

Peter Lech Submitted this review about Exotic Carriers
Review made Live: 7/12/2008 2:05:00 PM
Our broker arranged transport of our car from Northern Virginia to Southern California. Pickup scheduled for Monday, July 7th +- one day. On Tuesday afternoon, Jose called and said they were delayed, and asked if they could come on Thursday. I reluctantly agreed, as we were flying home on Wednesday. They never showed on Thursday, claimed mechanical problems. On Friday evening, the driver called the pickup point at 7 pm, said he had his mechanical problem solved and asked if he could pick up the car around midnight - 1 am. Told No, to come the next day. By 11:00 EST the next day, there was no word from him so we called the broker and asked him to find another transport company.

Communications was very poor - my calls to the office were never returned - with one exception they went to a recorder that stated that they were closed. I did reach the office Wednesday from the airport while en route home, and Jose confirmed the pickup for Thursday.