Frank (primary contact) was very professional in setting up a pick up time that worked best for my needs. He was very efficient in returning my e-mails and phone calls in a very timely manner, which I consider "a must" if a company wants my business. He was also open to negotiating a price when I told him the lowest bid I had and that I would go with his company if he could beat it. Chad Mattera (secondary contact/driver) was very easy to work with and catered to my specific needs with respect to pick-up/drop-off location, day and time. Not only did he pick-up and drop-off on the exact days that I requested - but to the exact hour! Can't beat that for customer service these days! I was never inconvenienced in the least. When it comes to paying someone my hard earned money for any type of service...there's one thing I can't stand...and that's to be inconvenienced. I feel like I should be calling the shots and in control of any situation or service that I'm paying for, at least in my own mind I feel I'm the boss for the duration of the project. ...Adam...
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