Great service

Rich Conlon Submitted this review about Get it Done Transportation
Review made Live: 5/29/2013 2:49:00 PM
I did a lot of reading before booking and these guys looked great. Fortunately, the reviews were correct, this company is great. I had a last minute glitch in the availability, and we were able to delay pick-up to meet my schedule even though it meant changing carriers, etc. This was a 'one call and get it done' type of company. They did the work and did it well! Highly recommend them!!!!

Company Response
David Pein from Get it Done Transportation Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/30/2013 4:13:00 PM
Rich, Thank you for allowing us to work for you and the opportunity to GET IT DONE. We work really hard to keep every order simple and hassle free. Thank you again. K Jolly 754-234-7443