Nicole-The go to lady at Hilton

Ernest Brennecke Submitted this review about Hilton Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/24/2006 1:58:00 PM

Having been burned by a dealership, price-wise and otherwise, for the shipment of a car purchased in Springfield over the internet, I carefully read the reviews on this website to return the car. Nicole at Hilton is the "go-to-lady." For professional and personal service, I could not be happier. After hanging up from hearing my car woes of having to pay both directions for shipping to and from Washington State because of a failed business transaction, in 10 minutes, and only a 3 day wait for pick-up, Nicole arranged my car return for $100. less than the internet quote - which was already $500. less than I was charged to have it shipped to me. I was signed on at 1400 and she arranged it for 1300. - amazing lady.
You can understand why I believe she is so awesome for taking some of the sting out of my situation by offering the best price, excellent service and a little empathy. I'll be calling her again and referring all my friends to her. In the meantime, she may not be able to do for you what she did for me, but she will absolutely try her best - of that I am confident.
In fact, I think I will call her everyday just to brighten it.